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Internationalization and localization (I18N and L10N) Fast way to setup Retrolambda on an android project. How to use SparseArray Shared Element Transitions Android Things Library Dagger 2: Dependency Injection in Applications JCodec Formatting phone numbers with pattern. Paint What is ProGuard? What is use in Android? Create Android Custom ROMs Genymotion for android ConstraintSet CleverTap Publish a library to Maven Repositories adb shell Ping ICMP AIDL Android game development Android programming with Kotlin Android-x86 in VirtualBox Leakcanary Okio Bluetooth Low Energy Looper Annotation Processor SyncAdapter with periodically do sync of data Fastjson JSON in Android with org.json Gson Android Architecture Components Jackson Smartcard Security How to store passwords securely Secure SharedPreferences Secure SharedPreferences SQLite Accessing SQLite databases using the ContentValues class Firebase Firebase Cloud Messaging Firebase Realtime DataBase Firebase App Indexing Firebase Crash Reporting Twitter APIs Youtube-API Integrate Google Sign In Google signin integration on android Google Awareness APIs Google Maps API v2 for Android Google Drive API Displaying Google Ads AdMob Google Play Store Sign your Android App for Release TensorFlow Android Vk Sdk Project SDK versions Facebook SDK for Android Thread AsyncTask Testing UI with Espresso Writing UI tests - Android Unit testing in Android with JUnit Inter-app UI testing with UIAutomator Lint Warnings Performance Optimization Android Kernel Optimization Memory Leaks Enhancing Android Performance Using Icon Fonts Bitmap Cache Loading Bitmaps Effectively Exceptions Logging and using Logcat ADB (Android Debug Bridge) Localization with resources in Android Convert vietnamese string to english string Android

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#Chapters Getting started with Android Android Studio Instant Run in Android Studio TextView AutoCompleteTextView Autosizing TextViews ListView Layouts ConstraintLayout TextInputLayout CoordinatorLayout and Behaviors TabLayout ViewPager CardView NavigationView RecyclerView RecyclerView Decorations RecyclerView onClickListeners RecyclerView and LayoutManagers Pagination in RecyclerView ImageView VideoView Optimized VideoView WebView SearchView BottomNavigationView Canvas drawing using SurfaceView Creating Custom Views Getting Calculated View Dimensions Adding a FuseView to an Android Project Supporting Screens With Different Resolutions, Sizes ViewFlipper Design Patterns Activity Activity Recognition Split Screen / Multi-Screen Activities Material Design Resources Data Binding Library SharedPreferences Intent Fragments Button Emulator Service The Manifest File Gradle for Android FileIO with Android FileProvider Storing Files in Internal & External Storage Zip file in android Unzip File in Android Camera and Gallery Camera 2 API Fingerprint API in android Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE API Runtime Permissions in API-23 + Android Places API Android NDK DayNight Theme (AppCompat v23.2 / API 14+) Glide Dialog Enhancing Alert Dialogs Animated AlertDialog Box GreenDAO Tools Attributes Formatting Strings SpannableString Notifications AlarmManager Handler BroadcastReceiver UI Lifecycle HttpURLConnection Callback URL Snackbar Widgets Toast Create Singleton Class for Toast Message Interfaces Animators Location Theme, Style, Attribute MediaPlayer Android Sound and Media MediaSession MediaStore Multidex and the Dex Method Limit Data Synchronization with Sync Adapter PorterDuff Mode Menu Picasso RoboGuice ACRA Parcelable Retrofit2 ButterKnife Volley Date and Time Pickers Localized Date/Time in Android Time Utils In-app Billing FloatingActionButton Touch Events Handling touch and motion events Detect Shake Event in Android Hardware Button Events/Intents (PTT, LWP, etc.) GreenRobot EventBus Otto Event Bus Vibration ContentProvider Dagger 2 Realm Android Versions Wi-Fi Connections SensorManager ProgressBar Custom Fonts Getting system font names and using the fonts Text to Speech(TTS) Spinner Data Encryption/Decryption OkHttp Handling Deep Links Crash Reporting Tools Check Internet Connectivity Creating your own libraries for Android applications Device Display Metrics Building Backwards Compatible Apps Loader ProGuard - Obfuscating and Shrinking your code Typedef Annotations: @IntDef, @StringDef Capturing Screenshots MVP Architecture Orientation Changes Xposed PackageManager Gesture Detection Doze Mode Colors Keyboard RenderScript Fresco Swipe to Refresh Creating Splash screen IntentService Implicit Intents Publish to Play Store Universal Image Loader Image Compression 9-Patch Images Email Validation Bottom Sheets EditText Speech to Text Conversion Installing apps with ADB Count Down Timer Barcode and QR code reading Android PayPal Gateway Integration Drawables TransitionDrawable Vector Drawables VectorDrawable and AnimatedVectorDrawable Port Mapping using Cling library in Android Creating Overlay (always-on-top) Windows ExoPlayer XMPP register login and chat simple example Android Authenticator AudioManager AudioTrack Job Scheduling Accounts and AccountManager Integrate OpenCV into Android Studio MVVM (Architecture) ORMLite in android Retrofit2 with RxJava ShortcutManager LruCache Jenkins CI setup for Android Projects fastlane Define step value (increment) for custom RangeSeekBar Getting started with OpenGL ES 2.0+ Check Data Connection Java on Android Android Java Native Interface (JNI) Notification Channel Android O Robolectric Moshi Strict Mode Policy : A tool to catch the bug in the Compile Time. Internationalization and localization (I18N and L10N) Fast way to setup Retrolambda on an android project. How to use SparseArray Shared Element Transitions Android Things Library Dagger 2: Dependency Injection in Applications JCodec Formatting phone numbers with pattern. Paint What is ProGuard? What is use in Android? Create Android Custom ROMs Genymotion for android ConstraintSet CleverTap Publish a library to Maven Repositories adb shell Ping ICMP AIDL Android game development Android programming with Kotlin Android-x86 in VirtualBox Leakcanary Okio Bluetooth Low Energy Looper Annotation Processor SyncAdapter with periodically do sync of data Fastjson JSON in Android with org.json Gson Android Architecture Components Jackson Smartcard Security How to store passwords securely Secure SharedPreferences Secure SharedPreferences SQLite Accessing SQLite databases using the ContentValues class Firebase Firebase Cloud Messaging Firebase Realtime DataBase Firebase App Indexing Firebase Crash Reporting Twitter APIs Youtube-API Integrate Google Sign In Google signin integration on android Google Awareness APIs Google Maps API v2 for Android Google Drive API Displaying Google Ads AdMob Google Play Store Sign your Android App for Release TensorFlow Android Vk Sdk Project SDK versions Facebook SDK for Android Thread AsyncTask Testing UI with Espresso Writing UI tests - Android Unit testing in Android with JUnit Inter-app UI testing with UIAutomator Lint Warnings Performance Optimization Android Kernel Optimization Memory Leaks Enhancing Android Performance Using Icon Fonts Bitmap Cache Loading Bitmaps Effectively Exceptions Logging and using Logcat ADB (Android Debug Bridge) Localization with resources in Android Convert vietnamese string to english string Android

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